Packages | |
org.jsesoft.mmbi | Provides JMX Model MBean instrumentation on the fly. |
org.jsesoft.mmbi.samples | TODO |
org.jsesoft.ri | Provides class inspection by reflection (subclass- and strategy pattern, resp). |
Provides JMX Model MBean instrumentation on the fly.
The JMX Model MBean Instrumentor is a Pure Java module for automatic instrumentation of objects of arbitrary classes as JMX Model MBeans. Simply by passing an object to the JMX Instrumentor, appropriate JMX ModelMBeanInfo will be created and the object registered as an MBean.
That way, the developer needs not to bother instrumenting objects as MBeans anymore, this can be done by the JMX Instrumentor automatically on the fly.
The JMX Model MBean Instrumentor project will provide two packages:
Reflection Inspector
, which recursively traverses the reflection tree of an
arbitrary class and calls handlers of a strategy object when discovering the class'es
attributes, methods, and constructors.
JMX Model MBean Instrumentor
which is a strategy for the Reflection Inspector
providing handler methods which generate the JMX ModelMBeanInfo for the
class members detected by the Reflection Inspector. Furthermore, a
JMX annotation
is provided which is capable of specifying more
detailed information than can be gained by reflection. The JMX Model MBean Instrumentor is aware of this annotation and
includes the information provided into the generated JMX ModelMBeanInfo.
Since the JMX Model MBean Instrumentor is written in Pure Java 1.5, it is platform independent. Since it confirms with the JMX standard, it does not depend on the JMX implementation used (e.g. it works fine with JConsole).
The package
provides for class inspection by Java
reflection. The org.jsesoft.ri
traverses the reflection tree of the inspectee and calls handler function for all fields,
constructors, methods, and annotations found.
The Reflection Inspector offers two methods of exploiting the information provided:
The JUnit test class org.jsesoft.ri.TestReflectionInspector
demonstrates both types of usage.
package provides
the class org.jsesoft.mmbi.ModelMBeanInstrumentor
which is a strategy for the ReflectionInspector creating ModelMBeanInfo for the
inspectee of arbitrary class from both, reflection information (including JavaBeans BeanInfo)
and the JMX annotation (below).
The org.jsesoft.mmbi
package comes with an annotation
for customizing the JMX instrumentation produced by
with the ModelMBeanInstrumentor
. The annotation interface
org.jsesoft.mmbi.JMX provides accessors
for all the fields which can be specified in Model MBean descriptors.
Finally, org.jsesoft.mmbi
offers an experimental annotation adding JMX notification instrumentation produced by the ModelMBeanInstrumentor. The annotation interface JMXNotification provides accessors for all the notification fields which can be specified in Model MBean descriptors.
1: public class SampleResource 2: { 3: private boolean controlled; 4: public boolean isControlled() 5: { 6: return controlled; 7: } 8: public void setControlled( boolean value ) 9: { 10: controlled = value; 11: } 12: }Explanation: This simple class adheres to the JavaBeans conventions and thus can automatically instrumented as a Model MBean. It provides an attribute
which should be exposed to the outer world
(e.g. a JMX manager). It contains no code special to JMX at all!
1: ModelMBeanInstrumentor instrumentor = 2: new ModelMBeanInstrumentor(NotificationBroadcasterSupport.class); 3: SampleResource resource = new SampleResource(); 4: NamedModelMBean mbean = instrumentor.instrument( resource, "mmbi-managed" ); 5: for( int count = 0; (count < 60) || (resource.isControlled()); count++ ) { 6: Thread.sleep( 1000 ); 7: } 8: ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer().unregisterMBean( mbean.getName() );Explanation: After executing the first four lines of the code above, the sample managed resource is instrumented and ready for management.
isControlled() which indicates that the lifetime
of the resource is controlled (managed) from the outside (e.g. with JConsole).
It's really that easy!
If you are familiar and used to JavaBeans BeanInfo you can improve the results produced by the instrumentor.
public class SampleResourceBeanInfo extends SimpleBeanInfo { protected Class beanClass = SampleResource.class; public MethodDescriptor[] getMethodDescriptors() { try { ParameterDescriptor controlled = new ParameterDescriptor(); controlled.setName("controlled"); ParameterDescriptor[] setControlParams = { controlled }; Class[] setControlledArgs = { boolean.class }; MethodDescriptor setControlled = new MethodDescriptor( beanClass.getMethod("setControlled", setControlledArgs ), setControlParams ); setControlled.setShortDescription("controlled (managed) from the outside?"); MethodDescriptor[] methodDescriptors = { setControlled }; return methodDescriptors; } catch( Exception exception ) { exception.printStackTrace(); return null; } } }Explanation: This BeanInfo provides a method descriptor for the
This descriptor adds additional information otherwise not available: It provides
(Have you realized that this name differs from the one used in the source code?)
method itself
1: public class SampleResource 2: { 3: private boolean controlled; 4: public boolean isControlled() 5: { 6: return controlled; 7: } 8: public void setControlled( @JMX( name="controlled" ) boolean value ) 9: { 10: controlled = value; 11: } 12: }Explanation: This is for the ones who like to keep all in one place. Writing BeanInfo is fairly boring (what about an Inspector generating it?). The same effect as with a separate BeanInfo class can be reached with a simple annotation in the class'es source code:
For overviews, tutorials, examples, guides, and tool documentation, please see: