Uses of Interface

Packages that use PassBack
org.jsesoft.mmbi Provides JMX Model MBean instrumentation on the fly. 
org.jsesoft.ri Provides class inspection by reflection (subclass- and strategy pattern, resp). 

Uses of PassBack in org.jsesoft.mmbi

Classes in org.jsesoft.mmbi that implement PassBack
 class MMBIPassBack
          Provides passback structure for MMBI.

Methods in org.jsesoft.mmbi with parameters of type PassBack
 void MMBIAnnotationInspector.inspectItem(java.lang.annotation.Annotation annotation, PassBack passBack)
          Inspects the item.
 void MMBIParameterTypesInspector.inspectItem(java.lang.Class<?> theEntity, PassBack passBack)
          Inspects the item.
 void MMBIClassInspector.inspectItem(java.lang.Class<?> inspected, PassBack thePassBack)
          Inspects the item.
 void MMBIConstructorInspector.inspectItem(java.lang.reflect.Constructor<?> constructor, PassBack thePassBack)
          Inspects the item.
 void MMBIFieldInspector.inspectItem(java.lang.reflect.Field field, PassBack thePassBack)
          Inspects the item.
 void MMBIMethodInspector.inspectItem(java.lang.reflect.Method method, PassBack thePassBack)
          Inspects the item.
 void MMBIAnnotationInspector.inspectItems(PassBack passBack)
          Inspects the a list of items.
 void MMBIMethodInspector.inspectItems(PassBack passBack)
          Inspects the a list of items.
 void MMBIParameterTypesInspector.inspectItems(PassBack passBack)
          Inspects the a list of items.
 void MMBIConstructorInspector.inspectItems(PassBack passBack)
          Inspects the a list of items.
 void MMBIClassInspector.inspectItems(PassBack passBack)
          Inspects the a list of items.
 void MMBIFieldInspector.inspectItems(PassBack passBack)
          Inspects the a list of items.

Uses of PassBack in org.jsesoft.ri

Methods in org.jsesoft.ri with parameters of type PassBack
 void AnnotationInspector.inspectItem(java.lang.annotation.Annotation annotation, PassBack passBack)
          Inspects the item.
 void ParameterTypesInspector.inspectItem(java.lang.Class<?> theEntity, PassBack passBack)
          Inspects the item.
 void ClassInspector.inspectItem(java.lang.Class<?> inspected, PassBack passBack)
          Inspects the item.
 void ConstructorInspector.inspectItem(java.lang.reflect.Constructor<?> constructor, PassBack passBack)
          Inspects the item.
 void FieldInspector.inspectItem(java.lang.reflect.Field field, PassBack passBack)
          Inspects the item.
 void MethodInspector.inspectItem(java.lang.reflect.Method method, PassBack passBack)
          Inspects the item.
 void Inspector.inspectItem(T i, PassBack passBack)
          Inspects the item.
 void ConstructorInspector.inspectItems(PassBack passBack)
          Inspects the a list of items.
 void FieldInspector.inspectItems(PassBack passBack)
          Inspects the a list of items.
 void ParameterTypesInspector.inspectItems(PassBack passBack)
          Inspects the a list of items.
 void Inspector.inspectItems(PassBack passBack)
          Inspects the a list of items.
 void MethodInspector.inspectItems(PassBack passBack)
          Inspects the a list of items.
 void AnnotationInspector.inspectItems(PassBack passBack)
          Inspects the a list of items.
 void ClassInspector.inspectItems(PassBack passBack)
          Inspects the a list of items.

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